Work Title: ‘Visa’, 2012
Mixed technique
As Paulo Freire says in ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’, dehumanization is a historical reality, to be a human and a nonhuman are alternatives of being, however to be a human is a human being’s vocation. This vocation is always prevented through exploitation, unjustice, oppression and violence of the authorities. Visa is one of the mechanisms of dehumanization.
Children of Fire, Best Young Photographer Awards,Fotoğrafevi,2008

Der Türkisch-Kurdische Konflikt dauert nun schon bald dreißig Jahre und wie immer leiden Frauen und Kinder besonders unter der Gewalt. „Ich will in dieser Serie zeigen wie Knaben zur Gewalt erzogen werden – als Symbol des Patriarchats, das in Kriegszeiten stets besonders offensichtlich wird.
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